Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Why We Forget Things?

Why we forget things? Kenapa kita acapkali melupakan hal-hal yang pernah menjadi bagian penting dalam hidup kita? Keadaan akhir-akhir ini agaknya sedikit memaksa otak saya yang sudah terlalu malas akibat rutinitas. Puncaknya adalah ketika saya mendengarkan rekaman konser live-nya jason mraz yang membawakan lagu "I Never Knew You". 

Lagu tersebut bercerita tentang kenapa kita seringkali lupa, tentang eksistensi kita, tentang hubungan kita dengan orang lain. Dan pada waktu yg lain kita ingat lalu lupa lagi. Lupa, ingat, lupa, ingat, dan lupa lagi. Selalu berputar dalam siklus itu sepanjang hidup kita. Mraz bilang itu terjadi agar kita bisa mendapatkan pencerahan, pemahaman yang menyeluruh mengenai hidup kita.

Okay...I'll take it that to get an enlightenment about our life we should forget it and then remember it again some other day. Hopefully when we're in the middle of forgetting process, we can see our aspects of life objectively so that one day we can overcome it or even laugh it off. Laugh at our silly act in the past and how shallow our thoughts.

But then again, human plans and God decides. So why worry? Just hit this life with your very best shot and enjoy the process.

ah..kenapa jadi bahasa inggris ya? nevermind, daripada pusing mikirin itu mending baca lirik lagunya "I Never Knew You". Siapa tau kalian dapet pemahaman yang sama dengan saya atau mungkin lebih dalam lagi. So, here it is:

                                                                 "I Never Knew You"

Tell me a secret, tell me anything
What's your weapon? what's your middle name?
What do you believe in? what's your animal?
Are you a cat or a dog person?
What's your outlook? what's your favourite saying?

Hey, maybe you laugh, maybe you laugh a lot
Maybe you started, but you somehow quit the part mm
And you may be a hippie and a democrat,
Yeah I remember that, I think
And you might like wine, but you're not the type who likes to drink

What made me forget everything i know?
All my beliefs, replaced by scenarios
Of unintelligent life, echoing in stereo
On invisible mics, winding to my mind
So I would like another look inside you,
Yeah I would love the chance to love you, like I've never known you

Yeah, maybe you're sleeping on a telephone.
And maybe you're dreaming of an anglophone with a crooked smile
And maybe your profile, posts a brand new nose
And maybe your new job, it requires that you cannot wear any clothes.

What made me forget everything I know?
All my beliefs, replaced by scenarios
Of unintelligent life, echoing in stereo
On invisible mics, winding to my mind
So I would like another look inside you,
Yeah I would love the chance to love you, like I've never known you

Maybe your favourite colour is brown,
And maybe your crying and you're not sure why
Maybe you're living in a whole new town
And maybe you're back with your old boyfriend and you're busy going down.

What made me forget everything,
All my beliefs, are my memories
All the episodes of you, especially the ones that hurt
And the few that made me laugh
Well I can't get them back,
That's why I'm asking for some more of you now
Yes I would love the chance to love you
And I would love to love you!

What made me forget everything I know?
All my beliefs, replaced by scenarios
Of unintelligent life, echoing in stereo
On invisible mics, winding to my mind
So I would like another look inside you,
Yeah I would love the chance to love you, like I've never known you

I would, I would, I would love to look inside of you

-PS. to future me-
it hurts but this part summarize your past feeling and the past me love this song:
"What made me forget everything,
All my beliefs, are my memories
All the episodes of you, especially the ones that hurt
And the few that made me laugh
Well I can't get them back,
That's why I'm asking for some more of you now
Yes I would love the chance to love you
And I would love to love you!"

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